Friday, April 24, 2009

Our Apartment... looking pretty crazy right now. It is pretty much full of boxes all the way to the ceiling, and I can't figure out how we had everything hidden before. I want to take a picture, but my camera is in a box! Eric and friends are going to do the bulk of the heavy lifting (literally) tonight while I'm teaching lessons (that's just the way it worked out...), especially the piano and all that jazz. Then he and I will finish up with the weenie stuff tomorrow when I'm free. Then tomorrow and Sunday we'll unpack at the new house, Monday we'll come back and clean this place from top to bottom (and probably finish unpacking), and Tuesday we'll go see Wicked as a reward for surviving the ordeal!


Unknown said...

Hi! This is Janna from Feed Your Pig. I need to be in touch with you , but can't find your email address. Please contact me ASAP at

pinder said...

Yeah, and by the way, feed your pig. Or, feed your pig blog.

I am so excited about your new house and can hardly wait to see it!

Tuesday! Wicked!