Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pomp and Circumstance

Eric finally gradumatated this summer.  He has been taking online classes toward his Bachelor's in business administration, so he had been joking about having his own graduation ceremony and walking past the webcam on our laptop when it was all over, but since his mom was in town during the school's official ceremony, he decided to physically attend a school event for the first (and last) time.  We kept it a secret until the day of the event, so she was pretty excited when she found out where we were going that day!

Eric and mom at the ceremony venue

Eric meets the dean of the business school

(Don't look too closely at the above photo if you are easily offended)
This is what Eric thinks of Everest University

A celebratory bike ride

I'm very proud of Eric for sticking with it--I'm not gonna lie: the online program was bull$#!+ so he was tempted to quit many times--but now it's over!  Everest University, we will forever be in your debt.  Go, Sherpas!

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